#all i have left is drifter and kinda ikora
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watching clips of cayde 6 cause i wasnt into destiny before forsaken(?)
#chilllli yelps#the final shape spoilers#destiny 2#two characters that would've initially pulled me into destiny passed before i got into it ;_;#the other being amanda tbh#all i have left is drifter and kinda ikora#failsafe is really funny tbh i love her and love that she's getting love this campaign#tfs spoilers#destiny 2 spoilers#final shape spoilers#idk how manmy fuckin tags i need to add lol
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Distrust: Arcadia (Arc 2: Redlight)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/aQze1Ev
by Xandyflare
The Drifter Gang perhaps could even be nicknamed the Drifter Family. All of its members have settled into the lifestyle of accepting missions that take them across ever-changing worlds and following the breadcrumb trail of Junko Enoshima's plans. Then Eli gets three emergencies all at once: a slave collar from the ancient eras set to go off like a bomb at any moment, a family member from a time long left in the past, and an innocuous request to check in on a city-state that seals the fates of every member of the crew.
Words: 2748, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 15 of Reign of Shadows
Fandoms: AdventureQuest Worlds, Dangan Ronpa Series, Destiny (Video Games), Fire Emblem Series, Original Work, Rockman X | Mega Man X, Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Multi
Characters: Original Character(s) - Character, Shiro (Voltron), Zavala (Destiny), Andal Brask, Lance (Voltron), Osiris (Destiny), Saint-14 (Destiny), Cayde-6 (Destiny), Female Guardian (Destiny), Zion | Rowan, Alfonse (Fire Emblem), The Spider (Destiny), Lotor (Voltron), Eris Morn, Ikora Rey, Naegi Komaru, Ikusaba Mukuro, Enoshima Junko, Shin Malphur, Chabashira Tenko, Takumi (Fire Emblem)
Relationships: Shiro (Voltron)/Zavala (Destiny), Andal Brask/Lance (Voltron), Osiris/Saint-14 (Destiny), Cayde-6/Female Guardian (Destiny)
Additional Tags: Zombie(?) apocalypse, I mean they're kinda zombies, but like necromorph zombies, dark themes, Original Fiction, Original Plot, Original Character(s), Body Horror, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/No Comfort, The hurt/no comfort is usually lotor, that man is such a good Punching Bag
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/aQze1Ev
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Nightlight Part 2: Stress
As it’s revealed that not everyone in the Last City is willing to accept the House of Light within their walls, tensions begin to rise. But just as things feel like they can’t get any worse...
Previous Part: Here
Next Part: Coming Soon…
“Don’t get me wrong, I hate the Vex. But they have great taste in aesthetics!” Blaze said as she and the rest of Paralight hopped from platform to platform. “Watch out!” Rae yelled. “Huh- WHOA!!” Blaze skid to a halt upon seeing they had run out of platform, narrowly avoiding falling into the abyss, “That was close. Thanks, Rae.”
“Hold fast, Guardians.” Mithrax’s voice came through the comms, “I will alter the fabric of this Vex system to aid you.”
“Much obliged, Mithrax-kell.” Rae replied. “I don’t think I’ll ever not be surprised by splicers.” Blaze spoke as the small group of Guardians pushed forward, “I mean, I shouldn’t be surprised that splicers can mess with Vex stuff – they are machines after all – but it’s still impressive.”
“I know, right?” Tif beamed, “I remember when Misraaks first showed me his abilities. It’s so cool!”
“Speaking of so cool…” Blaze smirked upon spotting a Vex launch sphere before sprinting at it, letting herself be launched forward, “WHEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee……...!!!”
Crow chuckled as he watched his fellow Awoken Hunter go soaring off into the air before face-planting onto the platform across the way, giving a thumbs up to the group shortly afterwards. “You’re crazy if you think I’ll let you have all the fun.” Crow called as he followed suit, tripping over and falling onto Blaze upon landing. “They’re idiots.” Rae laughed. “But they’re our idiots.” Adam added. “So, let’s be idiots together!” Tif finished as she flopped onto the launch pad, Adam following suit. Rae sighed with a smile as she muttered to herself, “The heroes of the system, ladies and gentlemen.”
“Tif has a weird habit of getting piggyback rides from the enemies they’re trying to kill…”
“I mean…it works, so why change it?”
“We’re here.”
Everyone transmatted down into the Botza Ruins in the Last City, which had been transformed into a camp for the House of Light refugees. Ikora had offered Mithrax and his house shelter in the city in exchange for aid in dealing with the eternal night. In the centre of the courtyard, Rae could see Mithrax and Tif discussing something with Osiris and Lakshmi-2, the latter Rae was surprised to see. Upon getting closer, Rae noticed Tif seeming uncomfortable as they stared at Lakshmi. “Lakshmi’s here. Greeeeeaaaaat…” Blaze groaned. “Is something wrong?” Crow asked. “Lakshmi and Blaze have a…unique…would ‘rivalry’ even be the right word?” Adam asked, scratching the back of his neck. “She thinks my future vision is bs.” Blaze replied, “I don’t even care about my future vision – I haven’t even gotten a vision since like…3 years ago, I think? I dunno. It’s her attitude I hate. Her whole ‘holier than thou’ mentality.”
“She’s that bad?” Crow turned to Rae. “She’s…a little much at times. And a little creepy.” Rae muttered the last part before speaking up again, “Let’s, uh…go see what’s up.”
As the four Guardians got closer, they could begin to hear the conversation.
“My people shelter beneath the Great Machine.” Mithrax began, “This is beyond simple generosity. I must thank Ikora for her gift.”
“This sanctuary is not granted by Ikora alone, but by all who live in the Last City.” Lakshmi replied before Osiris interjected, “Yes, and on their behalf, let me extend a welcome. I am Osiris, and this is Lakshmi-2, Future War Cult leader and City representative. And I believe you both are already well acquainted with Fireteam Paralight.” Osiris nodded towards the approaching Fireteam, acknowledging their presence. “My greatest appreciations to you all. The House of Light thanks you.” Mithrax thanked. “Your House can best show gratitude by keeping to itself.” Lakshmi replied harshly, “I know your assistance with the Vex will benefit us all, but not everyone in the city is so open-minded.”
“I think your voice box needs to be checked out, Lakshmi. That sounded like a threat.” Blaze said with a dead-pan expression before being elbowed by Rae, “Ow! What?! Just sayin’.” Lakshmi seemed to glare at Blaze for a brief moment before turning back to Mithrax and Tif, “You appear to be settling in. I will leave you to it.”
“If you require further help from us, you must only ask.” Osiris added. “We shall.” Tif spoke up, “There are several modifications we will need for stable Ether production.” Rae seemed surprised at Tif. It seemed like they were a completely different person. Instead of their usual relaxed posture and somewhat air-headed smile, Tif was standing up straight with their hands neatly folded behind their back and a serious expression on their face. They spoke in a polite and respectful tone which was completely different to Tif’s upbeat and peppy tone. “Submit a proposal to Ikora. She seems willing to get you anything you need.” Lakshmi replied, “I must return to the people in the city. Future War Cult has foreseen great misery for them in the days ahead and they will need an advocate. I often forget how highly those in the Tower have placed themselves.” Rae noticed Lakshmi glance at her as she said the last part before continuing, “The air is thin there. Best not to breathe too much of it.” And with that, Lakshmi transmatted out of the ruins. “If I may speak freely,” Tif began, dropping their demeanour, “She’s super creepy and kinda mean…”
“You must understand, this situation is tense for us all, young Titan.” Osiris began, “This encampment perches on the edge of decree and democracy. I hope your stay with us will be…uneventful.”
“As do we.” Tif sighed as Osiris left. “I’m just saying,” Blaze began in a hushed tone, “If you guys wanna ‘accidentally’ blow up the FWC room, I know two rogues who could make it look like-”
“Blaze!” Rae said in a warning tone as she frowned at Blaze. “Kidding! I’m kidding!”
“Sure…” Rae sighed. “Do not worry, Raekel.” Mithrax began, “My people have no intention of causing trouble while we are here. We will do all we can to aid in freeing the Last City from this eternal night.”
Rae seemed caught off guard by the title, but gave a humble smile, “I’m glad to hear it. I look forward to working together again, Mithrax-kell.”
“Don’t worry, Rae! This is an alliance House Light has wanted for a long time. We’ll show the Vanguard their trust wasn’t misplaced! Hus shan, hus den!”
“Hus shan, hus den.” Rae nodded.
‘Yeah…yeah we can do this! If we work together, we can do anything!’
“Uhhh…is she ok?” Tif asked with a worried expression as she stood outside the meeting room aboard the Helm with the rest of the Vanguard and Paralight.
“Oh dear. Rae having a mental breakdown?”
Everyone turned to see Marcia and Drifter approaching from down the hall. “It was bound to happen sooner or later.” Drifter chuckled, folding his arms, “I’m surprised it took the kid this long. I was certain she’d break around the time Moondust found the Pyramids up on ol’ Luna.”
“Not helping, you two.” Blaze groaned. Cayde walked up to the door and gently knocked, “Sunrae? You good?”
“You overstressed yourself again, didn’t you?”
“Want a hug and tea?”
Cayde slowly opened the door to reveal Rae sitting at the meeting room table with her head down in defeat as a concerned Ghost floated around her. “Thank the Light you’re here.” He began, “I was worried that if she kept going, I’d have to revive her. And before you ask, no I will not repeat some of the things I’ve heard over the past 15 minutes. I didn’t even know half of the words she said were words…”
“That bad, huh?”
“Alright, c’mere Sunrae.” Cayde sat beside her and gave her a side hug, “You gotta stop overstressin’, y’know. Otherwise, you’ll end up like Zavala, Ikora and Osiris.”
“What do you mean?” Rae looked up from where her head was resting on the table. “They kept stressin’ over stuff and now look at ‘em. They stressed so much that their hair fell out! Ikora bare held on to hers and Osiris was only able to hold onto his beard!”
“W-what…?” Rae tried to withhold a giggle as Blaze, Crow, Marcia and Drifter tried not to laugh at Ikora and Zavala’s unimpressed faces. “Yep! In fact, it’s already starting. You have bald spots riiiiiight…here!!” Cayde started messing up Rae’s short brown and plum locks. Rae couldn’t help but laugh as she struggled against Cayde’s never ending hair-tussling. “What about you then?” Rae giggled as Cayde finally began to let up, “Did you lose your hair?”
“Oh, yeah. I had absolutely be-yew-tiful golden locks that attracted all the ladies! But I got straddled with Vanguard duty and POOF! All gone!” This earned another laugh from the Stasis Vanguard.
Rae took a breath, finally calming down from both the laughing fit and her stress. Her attention was brought back to the table as a teacup was placed in front of her. But instead of Ikora, it was Marcia handing her the tea, looking to the side, “H-hey, don’t look at me like that, ‘kay? I can make tea too, y’know.” While Cayde was cheering up Rae, Marcia used that time to make tea using the set Ikora usually kept in the meeting room.
“Thanks.” Rae smiled. “W-whatever…” Marcia muttered.
“Um…am I interruptin’ something?”
Everyone turned to see a familiar brown-haired human Hunter with a long poncho. “Azzy!!!” Tif ran and Azara and hugged her tightly, picking her up and spinning her around in the process – something that was very comical to watch since Tif was two inches shorter than Azara. “Hey, Tiffy!” Azara chuckled as she was set down by the Titan, “Hey, y’all. Long time, no see.”
“Azara? What are you doing here?” Rae asked. “Found out Tif was livin’ here with you guys. Figured I’d come say hi.”
“You…” Marcia began, a wary look in her eye, “You’re Phyonysian, aren’t you?”
“Yup. But don’t worry about it. I’m not with the others.” Azara shrugged, “Got the hell outta there quickly. Too extreme for my taste.”
“If they trust you, fine. But I got my eye on you.”
“Duly noted.”
“Well…” Marica stretched before walking towards the door, “I’ll leave you guys to your boring Vanguard stuff. I’m goin’ down to the Annex for some air. Comin’ Drifter?”
“Nah. Got some stuff to handle for a bit. Might join ya after.” Drifter replied.
“Suit yourself. See y’all. Try not to go insane from the stress.”
“No promises!” Rae yelled after her as Marcia disappeared from around the corner, Drifter following suit not long after.
The meeting had gone on for a while now. FWC had been suspected of causing trouble for the Eliksni as damage had been caused to their encampment. Thankfully, after a lot of tension and consideration, Saint-14 declared himself an ally of the House of Light which was reassuring to Rae and Tif both. According to Tif, Saint had been told as a scary bedtime story to young Eliksni. But to the Eliksni who were present at Twilight Gap, he was a nightmare turned reality, making it somewhat relieving that he was now an ally to them. Lakshmi, on the other hand, was seeming to become more and more hostile to the Eliksni. She claims that she saw a vision that the Eliksni would bring ruin to the Last City and was trying to rally the city folk against the Vanguard.
“She’s not making our job any easier…” Rae sighed. “Agreed.” Zavala sighed, “Unfortunately, the best thing we can do is show the people that we are doing out best. We keep fighting and put the safety of the city above all else.”
“Agreed.” Ikora noticed, “In other-”
Out of nowhere, Blaze fell out of her chair, clutching her head in pain. “Blaze!” Crow leapt up from where he was sitting and rushed to Blaze’s side. “What’s happening?!” Tif exclaimed. “I’ve seen this before.” Firefly whimpered as she appeared hovering over Blaze, “She’s having a vision!”
“So that’s her ability…” Azara muttered. Before Rae could question what Azara meant, Blaze let out a large gasp as she sat up with a terrified expression. “What is it? What did you see?” Rae asked. Blaze looked up at Rae with horror in her eyes.
“Marcia’s in danger.”
To Be Continued…
#Changing our Destiny#rae drakyx#blaze kiria#adam bergfalk#the crow#tif kariuki#mithrax#lakshmi#destiny lakshmi#lakshmi-2#osiris#destiny osiris#ghost#destiny ghost#fireteam paralight#Zavala#destiny zavala#ikora rey#destiny ikora#cayde-6#destiny cayde#The Drifter#destiny drifter#marcia wyverk#azara cazadora#destiny 2
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I filled out some Guardian questions for my boys the other day, and they’re all in character! hopefully this will give you guys a better feel for what each of them act like c:
For Matt:
Where were you rezzed? My Ghost found me in the Cosmodrome, lying amongst a bunch of rusty old cars. I’m still wondering what I was doing there…
How long ago was it? About 5 years ago! A lot has happened since then too.
Did you have anything in your pockets? No, but I found a locket with a picture of a woman in it near where I was rezzed. I only just recently found it too. I don’t even know if it was mine or not. I wish I knew who the woman in the picture was…
What was your first week alive like? Very busy! I was excited to explore new worlds, but my ship lacked a warp drive, so I had to go searching in the Cosmodrome for one. That was… fun. And then once I got it, I ended up spending a little more time in the City to get more acquainted with the place.
How did you react to your new role as a Guardian? I was unsure I could do it at first, but when the Speaker told me about the Darkness, I knew that I had to do something to protect everyone in the City. The Traveler chose me for a reason. I feel like this is what I was always meant to be, you know? Is that weird?
Do you have any regrets? I… wish things didn’t go the way they did when we were going after Oryx. I feel like what happened to Isaac was my fault. Maybe if I had been smarter or stronger or whatever… I don’t know. I just feel responsible for it somehow.
How did you get your name? I don’t like to talk about it… but when I first tried out the Crucible, several of the other Guardians made fun of me after they saw how klutzy I was. They came and bullied me several times after that, calling me all sort of awful names. “Mat” was their favorite because of how often I fall on my face, I guess. Rocky stood up for me, which is how we first became friends, and he would always call me “Mat” too because he thought that’s what my name actually was. He didn’t know it was used to bully me. I finally gave up and just embraced the name because one, Matt is an actual name, and two, because I didn’t want to let those bullies be the ones to define who I was. If Rocky, my first real friend, wanted to know me as Matt, then that’s all that mattered. Also, I really do fall on my face a lot. And get stepped on. It’s fine.
Does your ghost have a name? Yes! His name is Willy. And I’m not going to dare talk about how he got that name; my own story is traumatizing enough.
What is your ghost like? He’s very friendly, very loud, and very charismatic. He reminds me a lot of Rocky, actually.
How do you feel about the last city and the vanguard? I love the City! Ever since I first came to it, it really felt like home. And the Vanguard are like family to me. Cayde welcomed me in like he’d known me his whole life when I first came to the City. Ikora inspires me to learn more about our world every day. And Zavala makes me want to be the best leader for my fireteam that I can be.
What’s your favorite place to go? Wherever my friends are!
Do you participate in strikes or the crucible? Yes, but only with my fireteam. I don’t think Rocky would let me even attempt either of those things without him, honestly.
How do you celebrate the holidays? For Crimson Days, Rocky and I pretty much spend all our time in the Crucible. For Festival of the Lost, I like dressing up and roleplaying as different people and creatures (last year, I was the Fanatic, and everyone said I mimicked his voice perfectly!). My favorite holiday is the Dawning; I love the beautiful snow and just spending time with my friends.
Who is your favorite NPC and who is your least favorite? Well uhh, my favorite is definitely Hawthorne because she… well she’s amazing in every way possible honestly, she’s smart and resilient and funny and dependable and really really pretty and she has a cool bird and oh geez am I rambling? Ehehe… And as for my least favorite, I don’t think I have one? I’m not really sure what to think of the Drifter; he comes across really friendly, but I don’t know how genuine he is. He didn’t seem too pleased when I got the Last Word either. But I’m not gonna worry about it.
Where do you sleep/call home? I stay in one of the rooms near the Hunter quarters. My old room was destroyed in the Red War, but I was able to recover most of my stuff. I like to collect artifacts and weapons from other species, as well as some stuff from the Golden Age. Cayde appreciates my collection, probably due to the fact that he has his own collection, but I organize my stuff waaaaaaaay better than he does.
Do you have any pets or companions? Rocky can behave like a pet sometimes… otherwise it’s just my Ghost. I spend a lot of time with Rocky’s kids, they seem to like me a lot. Especially Poofy. She and I get along the best. She likes it when I style her hair and clean her claws.
Does anyone live with you? Just my Ghost, although Rocky used to spend the night with me sometimes before he met Silfy.
How do you unwind or comfort yourself? I mostly like to spend time with my friends, but if I’m by myself? I’ll usually end up singing to pass the time. I like to dance too. I seem to do better on my feet when I’m dancing than if I’m doing… well anything else really.
What would truly break you? I have nightmares sometimes of my friends turning to the Darkness… I don’t ever want to think about something like that actually happening…
Most embarrassing moment? Probably the first time I met Hawthorne… I was a complete babbling mess and then tripped on a rock and smashed my face to boot. Willy couldn’t even heal me at the time either. I had a black eye for a week. I honestly don’t know why she even bothered talking to me anymore after that. She probably just felt sorry for me…
Any cherished memories? Meeting Rocky for the first time. And Isaac. And Hannah. And all my other friends. I’ve lived a really good life so far.
What was your highest and/or lowest point? My highest point would probably be when Rocky and I defeated Oryx. Which ironically came after my lowest point… when Isaac sacrificed himself for the rest of us. I secluded myself from everyone after that happened, even Rocky. I felt terrible. I told myself I would never do anything like that again, no matter what.
Views on the enemy races? I find them fascinating, but also acknowledge them as enemies. I respect the Fallen the most, and I wish more of them were like Silfy and her kids. I think we could live in peace with them if they wanted.
Which enemy race is your most/least favorite? I guess the Fallen would be my most favorite, and my least favorite is definitely the Taken. The idea that something could become totally consumed by Darkness like that… it’s terrifying.
For Rocky:
Where were you rezzed? uhh I don’t remember, I think it was on some moon? I’ll ask Mo later
How long ago was it? like 6 or 7 years ago
Did you have anything in your pockets? LOL I didn’t even have pockets!
What was your first week alive like? I had no idea what the frick I was doing
How did you react to your new role as a Guardian? I thought it was pretty sweet that I had all these powers and was super strong and stuff like that. not dying anymore was pretty cool too
Do you have any regrets? NO REGRETS MUTHAFRICKER
How did you get your name? people just started calling me Rocky cause it sounds like my real name, Roq, which you say like “rock”, so yeah it was a no brainer
Does your ghost have a name? her name is Mo! I don’t remember why I called her Mo, she just looks like a Mo
What is your ghost like? she’s super spunky and doesn’t take any crap. she likes to tell me what to do all the time. she’s great.
How do you feel about the last city and the vanguard? the city’s pretty cool, I guess. same with the vanguard. some people think I don’t like Ikora cause she’s boring, but dude, she’s still got the highest win streak in the Crucible, so I respect the heck outta her
What’s your favorite place to go? the crucible, duh! don’t care what map, just stick me in there, baby! (hehe)
Do you participate in strikes or the crucible? uhh YEAH!!!! I basically live in the crucible, and I go on strikes with my fireteam all the time. I’m a man of many talents~
How do you celebrate the holidays? crimson days is the best holiday EVER, I get to spend all day in the crucible with my best friend, what’s better than that? festival of the lost and the dawning are pretty cool too. I like putting on creepy masks for festival and throwing snowballs at people during the dawning. oh and eating Eva’s cookies!! oh man, now I’m hungry…
Who is your favorite NPC and who is your least favorite? what’s an NPC? is that a person? cause other than Matt and Silfy, my favorite person is Shaxx, duh. Saladin’s cool too. and my least favorite, uhh… I don’t like the way Asher talks to me, he makes me feel stupid
Where do you sleep/call home? got a nice little place near the Titan quarters. I had to get a new one after the Red War and then another one after Silfy and the kids moved in
Do you have any pets or companions? the kids are more like pets than actual kids right now. probably cause of the claws
Does anyone live with you? Mo, Silfy, and the three kids: Kiki, Kip, and Poofy
How do you unwind or comfort yourself? if I’m not duking it out in the Crucible, I go to the bar and get drinks with Shaxx and Cayde
What would truly break you? nothing can ever break me, wtf?? I got muscles for days, chump! or is this some kinda mental bullcrap, in which case, I still can’t be broken! nope! not even if all my friends were gone and I was the only person left alive! nnnnnope! just don’t… just don’t look at me ok DON’T LOOK AT ME
Most embarrassing moment? pfffft I don’t get embarrassed, I have NO shame, I literally went into the Crucible nude once, my dudes
Any cherished memories? the first time I won a Crucible match… oh man that was so sweet… and, you know, I guess meeting Matt was pretty cool too, since he was my first friend and everything
What was your highest and/or lowest point? highest point was helping Saladin take care of siva and him making me a friggin Iron Lord, baby!! and I don’t get low points ok, I’m always high (hehe). I mean yeah, I was pretty bummed when I found out Saint-14 was dead, just like stupid Isaac when he got himself killed trying to protect me and Matt, like seriously, isn’t the whole point of being a guardian is that you never die?? so why did they die?? it’s just dumb is what it is, it’s just dumb…
Views on the enemy races? I LOVE THE HIVE THEY’RE FRIGGIN SWEET. and of course, the Fallen are really cool, and the Taken are cool, and the Scorn are just AWESOME, man why do the bad guys have to be so cool?? yeah I’m not gonna hesitate to kill em whenever I get the chance but… can’t a guy appreciate a sweet lookin alien without being judged??
Which enemy race is your most/least favorite? I like Hive the best, but I gotta give props to the Fallen too cause you know, the whole I got a family of Fallen now thing. the ones I like the least are the Vex cause they’re just stupid robots, like it’s an insult to the rest of us robots who have brains and stuff. Vex have zappy milk goo in their bellies and think they’re all that cause they can time travel or whatever, well you know what I can do?? benchpress a cabal tank, that’s what I can do!! get on my level, Vex LOSERS!!!
For Isaac:
Where were you rezzed? The Dreaming City, in the former location of my father’s library of Awoken history.
How long ago was it? Over 200 years ago.
Did you have anything in your pockets? No.
What was your first week alive like? Nothing worth repeating.
How did you react to your new role as a Guardian? I thought it was pointless. I didn’t care about “saving the world” or whatever.
Do you have any regrets? No.
How did you get your name? The Speaker thought he was being clever by giving me a name that related to laughter since he had never heard me laugh before. He never actually did hear me laugh before he died.
Does your ghost have a name? His name is GG. Don’t ask what it stands for.
What is your ghost like? He’s very kind and dependable. He does what he’s told. He also can’t speak, all his communications are through beeps and other robotic noises. I don’t know why he has no voice. But I understand him perfectly. And he understands me. That’s all that matters.
How do you feel about the last city and the vanguard? I didn’t think much of the City when I first came to it. I still don’t, but I’m used to it now, and I call it my home, so… As for the Vanguard, Ikora and Zavala are the only ones I respect. Cayde is an idiot. I’m surprised it took him as long as it did to finally get himself killed.
What’s your favorite place to go? My personal secret library that only a few people are allowed into.
Do you participate in strikes or the crucible? I don’t care for the Crucible, nor am I allowed in it normally. Shaxx thinks that my methods are “unfair” to the other participants. I only participate during Crimson Days, and only with a select few. And by select few, I mean only Hannah and Fon. Don’t. Ask.
How do you celebrate the holidays? I don’t. But my friends force me into doing stuff with them anyway.
Who is your favorite NPC and who is your least favorite? Ikora is the one I trust the most. Toland is an absolute fool, and I’m going to physically drag him through the nine different layers of hell until he’s nothing but a bad memory to the rest of humanity.
Where do you sleep/call home? I live in my library.
Do you have any pets or companions? Only my Ghost.
Does anyone live with you? Again, only my Ghost.
How do you unwind or comfort yourself? I stay in my library. Alone. I also like to play the violin. Don’t even think about asking.
What would truly break you? If I had come back to life and found my library in shambles, I would’ve killed myself again.
Most embarrassing moment? Non-existent.
Any cherished memories? I… admit, it was… nice seeing that certain people were happy to see me alive again. And that Ikora hadn’t let anybody into my library after I was gone.
What was your highest and/or lowest point? I don’t like putting labels on things like that. My life has been playing out as intended.
Views on the enemy races? I don’t know why they insist on attacking humanity and the Traveler. It’s proven time and time again that it’s the most powerful force in the universe, so trying to kill or overtake it is a lost cause. Anyone who thinks the Darkness is more powerful than the Light is a fool.
Which enemy race is your most/least favorite? The Vex interest me the most. Osiris and I studied them a lot before he left the City. He’s been filling me in on what he’s learned in the Infinite Forest after I was brought back to this time period. All of the other races are pretty dumb. Especially the Cabal. They’re like an entire race of wrinkly, noseless Titans. It’s ridiculous.
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Destiny Games
So...I’ve tortured myself time-after-time with this Traveller-damn simulator back on my main by putting casts from other games and series through it...so why not the Destiny cast (ft. the Changing Our Destiny group)? Let’s start the torture!
Ikora being badass right out the gate!
Idk why, but I find the idea of Hawthorne fighting Skolas over a bag hilarious!
Sounds like the start of a bad joke: ‘So a Fallen, a human, an Awoken and a God walk into a bar...’
Mara: *steals from Drifter*
Exo Stranger: Impressive. *Steals from a HIVE GOD!*
Very OOC for both parties...
No! Bad Uldren! Don’t kill the creepy lady!
Rae: I can’t kill my teammate!
Ok, this is actually kinda sweet. Is this a ship? It should be a ship.
Pretty in-character for both parties. Also Drifter and Marcia being the ultimate rogue duo!
Oryx humming while his son does a dumb.
Everyone slowly backs away...
I mean...it was effective?
I swear this simulator is trying to ship Adashee (that’s what I’m calling it)!
Ok, so not only did Uldren finally have enough of his sister’s bs, but he also teamed up with a Fallen Guardian and killed a god in the process.
Aww, they’re getting along for once!
Ikora, why?!
Ok, no, you can suffer.
NO, AMANDA, THAT’S A GOOD FALLE- oh, nevermind...
This is accurate since Marcia is a Nightstalker!
Round 6: ...this is getting real depressing...
Never mind, that’s funny!
I’m so sorry...😅
There goes the Drifter...
Ok, Uldren, Ikora and Banshee I can kinda understand...BUT YOUR LOVER?! C’MON!!!
Round 7: I love how out of all the antogonists on this list, Uldren is the only one with any kills!
Speak of the devil...
Also, I bet the others just saw this happen and collectively went ‘Nope!’ and left! 🤣
I imagine instead of monkey mutts, it’s actually Cabal Warbeasts.
Pfft! Anticlimactic much?
How did...can Exos die from infections?
#destiny#destiny 2#rae drakyx#ikora rey#destiny ikora#adam bergfalk#Zavala#destiny zavala#blaze kiria#cayde-6#destiny cayde#uldren sov#prince uldren#mara sov#queen mara#the drifter#destiny drifter#marcia wyverk#queen marcia#crota#destiny crota#Oryx#destiny oryx#ghaul#dominus ghaul#skolas#destiny skolas#banshee-44#destiny banshee#Eris Morn
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Coronation Part 2: Dread-me-naught
Excuse? Check. Plan? Check. Awesome team name? Check. It's time to go to the Dreadnaught, find answers, and kick Taken and Hive butt!
...wait, where are the Taken and Hive?
Previous Part: Here
Next Part: Here
7:55am the next day…
“Marcia better know what she’s doing.” Rae yawned as she, Cayde, Adam and Blaze headed down to the Annex, “Convincing Ikora and Zavala to let us patrol the Dreadnaught was torture.”
“Why’d she make us get up so freaking early, anyway?” Cayde grumbled, “I don’t think even Ikora gets up this early.”
“Because Marcia is a demon that feeds off the suffering of all.” Blaze replied.
“I heard that!” Blaze heard Marcia yell from down the hall. “I ain’t wrong!” Blaze called back as the four Guardians made their way to the Drifter’s post. Marcia had just finished attaching her cloak to the shoulder pads of her armour, “So, you got the all clear from the Vanguard?”
“Just barely.” Rae replied, “I had to promise Ikora I’d help her train the new Warlocks for the next month in exchange while Cayde has to help Zavala with paperwork.”
“Yikes.” Drifter chuckled, “I almost feel bad for ya.
“So what’s the game plan?” Rae asked, ignoring Drifter. Marcia took out her map of the Dreadnaught and pointed at the Hull Breach, “We’ll be landing here. There are still some Cabal, Hive and Taken still at each other’s throats here, so be ready to hit the ground running.” She then pointed out a dotted line she had placed on the map, “There’s a shortcut to the Hall of Souls. We’re gonna be taking it to the Court of Oryx. I feel like if we’re gonna find answers, there’s our best bet. Of course, this plan is subject to change as I dunno what my powers have planned for when we get there. If that happens to be the case, we’ll just have to wing it.”
“The Paralight motto, right there.” Blaze chuckled. “Which reminds me,” Rae began, “We’re Paralight. Paralight plus Marcia is Eklipsys. So what’s Eklipsys plus Cayde and Drifter?”
“A disaster waiting to happen.” Adam half-joked. “I’d use the strike generator, but it needs an update.” Cayde began, “And I doubt we wanna end up with a name like ‘Baby dog’. I’m not kidding. That was a strike name.”
“Poor Devrim couldn’t keep it together whenever we said the name.” Rae chuckled.
“Well if this team really is ‘a disaster waiting to happen’.” Marcia smirked, “I recommend Fireteam Klade. Paragonialan Latin for ‘disaster’.”
“We’re not calling ourselves ‘disaster’, that’s asking for trouble.” Rae replied. “Well this isn’t official Guardian business, right?” Adam shrugged, “So technically we don’t need a Fireteam name.”
“How about…” Blaze smirked, “Dark Ops! Like how some armies have black ops that do all the shady stuff? We’re that, except we call it Dark Ops!”
“Who’s for Dark Ops, then?” Rae asked. Everyone raised their hand. “Dark Ops it is then.” Rae nodded. “Alrighty!” Marcia grinned, “If nobody has any other prepping to do, let’s hit the stars!”
“Approaching the Dreadnaught.”
Five ships soared through the stars towards the Dreadnaught that was drifting aimlessly within Saturn’s rings. Drifter was sharing a ship with Marcia while the others took their own ships. “Prepare for conflict as soon as we transmat down.” Ghost warned as their ships went to pass by the breached hull of the ship. “Get ready.” Rae called out, “Transmat in 3…2…1…go!”
The four landed onto the Dreadnaught, guns at the ready. “Well…that’s new…” Blaze lowered her gun slightly with a confused expression. There was nobody there. No Cabal, no Hive, not even any Taken. The area was deserted. “Something isn’t right. Keep your guard up.” Rae turned to Marcia, “Lead the way.” Marcia nodded as she lead the group to an entrance of a small room which had a long corridor leading out of it. They made their way through the corridor, guns still at the ready. “How’s yer arm doin’?” Drifter asked. “The surges are getting stronger.” Marcia replied, seeing her markings now glowing through the fabric of her sleeve, “We’re definitely in the right place.”
“I know I’ve said this before,” Ghost began, “But why is the right place always so terrifying?”
“Just our luck, bud.” Rae shrugged as the corridor opened up into the Hall of Souls. “We should be nearly there.” Marcia noted, “Just a little further.”
“So you remember how I was complaining that I couldn’t come with ya back when Oryx was around?” Cayde asked, “I’m kinda relieved I didn’t now. This place gives Eris a run for her money in terms of creepiness.”
“You’re not wrong.” Rae replied, “And yet, somehow, it’s creepier
the Taken and Hive. Why is it so quiet?”
“Maybe it’s naptime?” Blaze suggested. “I don’t think Taken have naptimes.” Adam countered. “Either way, it’s probably best not to complain.” Marcia began, “This mission would be a whole lot harder if we had to deal with Hive and Taken.”
As they crossed through the Hall of Souls, Marcia turned a corner and motioned for the others to group up with her, “We’re here.”
Rae gazed at the familiar alter that was the Court of Oryx. “So we’re here.” Blaze spoke up, “Now what?” As soon as these words left Blaze’s mouth, there was a brief flash of light as a small orb of golden light floated in front of Marcia. “Oh, Toland’s here!” Blaze spoke with fake enthusiasm, “If you’re here to spread some more of you’re doom and gloom, we have Eris for that now so we’re good.”
“I don’t think that’s Toland…” Rae muttered. Marcia gave the ball of light a quizzical look before reaching out to poke it. But before she could touch it, it suddenly darted about, spinning around Marcia a few times before floating a few feet ahead in the direction of the altar before stopping. “Are you…do you want be to follow you?” Marcia asked.
The ball of light flashed once.
“Were you the one who was calling me here? With the power surges?”
It flashed again.
“And you couldn’t have picked a less painful way to do it?” Marcia glared at the ball. It flashed twice. “Guess not.” Rae shrugged. “Well…I guess let’s see what happens.” Marcia shrugged. She went to take a step forward but was stopped by Drifter putting a hand on her shoulder, a hint of concern in his expression, “Hey. Be careful, sister.”
“C’mon, Drifter, it’s me.” Marcia smiled – not her usually cocky smile, but a genuine one, “I’m the most careful person you know!” Marcia followed the ball of light towards the frame of the Ascendant gate. There was another flash of Light as the ball disappeared, leaving a strange greenish-teal sigil on the ground. Marcia took a deep breath before stepping into the sigil. She waited a moment before turning back to the group who were waiting on the other side of the room, “Nothin’s happening-”
Before Marcia could finish her sentence, a dome of Taken Blight suddenly appeared around her. “Marcia!” Rae exclaimed. “Guys, watch our six!” Blaze called out. Everyone turned around to see several Taken swarming towards them. “These things have the worst freaking timing sometimes.” Rae sighed as they engaged the incoming swarm.
“Guys?! Hello?!” Marcia yelled as she banged on the walls of Taken Blight dome, “Ugh! Let me out already!! I didn’t sign up for this bull-”
“Good to see you haven’t changed much since we last spoke.”
Marcia spun around to see a familiar golden serpent-dragon floating a few feet away from her.
“Hello…Starlight Marcia.”
To Be Continued…
#Changing our Destiny#rae drakyx#blaze kiria#adam bergfalk#fireteam paralight#marcia wyverk#The Drifter#destiny drifter#cayde-6#destiny cayde#dark ops#destiny ghost#ghost#Taken#destiny taken#paragon#paragonialiskalmai#destiny 2
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Shadowkeep Part 7: Solo
Fireteam Eklipsys is back to full strength and are ready to hunt some Nightmares! With Blaze being able to lay a beat-down on the Nightmare of Skolas, they move on to their next target: Nightmare Taniks. But something seems off with Marcia as her usual laid-back nature quickly turns serious and cold at the mention of Taniks.
Previous Part: Here
Next Part: Here
“We are all consumed by that which eats away at us. For Skolas, it was his own hubris. He pursued complete control over all Houses of the Fallen, and through his misguided conquest, many perished. Skolas’s memory serves as a permanent reminder of all the lives lost at the whim of a single Kell. No matter how hard Pyramid may try, we will not cower.” “So this has become an official Vanguard mission, then?” Marcia asked as she followed the rest of her Fireteam through an abandoned Ketch. “Yep! Who’s a snitch now?” Rae smirked. “Hardy har.” Marcia rolled her eyes playfully, “My question is why we’re going after the Nightmare of this Skolas guy.” “The Nightmares I hunted weren’t enough. We need to track down stronger ones.” “This’ll be fun though!” Blaze smirked, “I get to roast the face off that guy again, and actually kill him this time instead of letting Mara throw him in prison.” “You mean Awoken Queen Mara?” Marcia asked. “You know her?” “Ugh, I know of her. And lucky for her, we’ve haven’t had the ‘pleasure’ of meeting. No offense, but she’s more like a queen-wannabe. At least I ruled fairly when I was Queen. Was the Umbrialyx an official Kingdom? Nope. Was I still a good queen? Hell yeah! A queen should work with her people, not act all high and mighty and like she’s better than any living thing in the damn universe. If I ever had a chance to meet her, I’d give her a piece of my mind!” “Trust me, no offense taken.” Blaze replied, “I honestly don’t know how to feel about her anymore.” “Don’t beat yourself up about it too much.” Marcia gave Blaze a playful punch in the shoulder, “But if she ever does anything to hurt you guys in anyway, let’s just say I’ll be sending a large blocker to the enemy’s side!” “Please don’t.” Rae begged with a nervous smile, “I feel like she already wants to kill me for everything that’s happened.” “No promises.” Marcia grinned. “Rae, I’m detecting enemies up ahead. I think it’s the Skolas Nightmare.” Ghost piped up. “Aw yeah!” Blaze cheered with a cocky grin, “I’ve been wanting to do this for over 4 years! Let’s make some fireworks!!!” Blaze went rushing past her fellow Guardians, Golden Gun already blazing. Rae sighed, “You’d think she’d have matured a little over 5 years, but…” “Well at least it’ll be a quick fight!” Marcia grinned, “C’mon!” Rae, Adam and Marcia ran into a room up ahead where they saw Blaze whooping as she dashed around the Skolas Nightmare, firing her signature sidearm at it. “Haha!” Blaze laughed, “Come get me, Kell of Nothing!” “Should…should we help out?” Adam asked. “Y’know what? I think she’s got it.” Marcia replied, “Should we focus on the smaller Nightmares while she takes care of that?” “Sure.” Rae shrugged, “Let Blaze have her moment.” ——————————————————————— “Whoo! Now that was fun!” Blaze grinned as she watched the body of Nightmare Skolas disappear, putting out some flames that still lingered on her arm. “That’s ironic; she was fighting a Nightmare, but it was a dream for her!” Marcia laughed as Rae turned to Blaze, “Sorry to interrupt your moment, but Eris wants us back at Sanctuary.” Blaze just shuffled by Rae, doing a little happy dance as she went, before moonwalking out of the room. Rae just shook her head with a smile as Marcia laughed, “Working with you guys is a riot!” “Oh, you don’t know the half of it.” Adam chuckled as the three Guardians followed Blaze out of the Ketch. “So who’s next? My adrenaline’s pumping now!” Blaze asked, jumping up and down a bit. “The Nightmare of Taniks.” Rae replied. “That breaks the pattern then.” Adam noted, “Skolas was one of Blaze’s since she was the one leading the House of Wolves mission. But none of us had any real grudge or relation to Taniks.” “Actually…it doesn’t.” Marcia corrected. Rae noticed Marcia’s expression had turned more serious and her voice was a little colder, “Taniks is mine. You leave him to me.” Marcia walked ahead of the group, leaving Rae confused, “I don’t get it. Taniks is Marcia’s Nightmare?” “I think I do.” Blaze sighed, “Have you heard of Andal Brask?” “Yeah. He was the Hunter Vanguard before Cayde, right?” “Yep. From what Marcia told me once, despite not being affiliated with the Tower, she used to work with Andal. She felt that he was one of the few Guardians she could fully trust. To the point where she actually considered returning to the Tower. However, he was killed by Taniks, which lead Cayde to take the role as Hunter Vanguard. When Marcia found out, she was ready to send all of her rogues after Taniks, but when she found out that Taniks’s body had been taken away by his crew, she decided against it, but swore she’d take any chance she was given to make him pay.” “So that’s why Taniks is her Nightmare; why she wants to take it on alone.” “Seems that way. She told me this after a Gambit match when I asked how she knew Cayde when we saw her on Mars a while back.” “That makes sense.” Rae muttered, “Either way, we have to back her up. I still owe her for saving me back in the Hellmouth.” Blaze nodded as the three Guardians ran to catch up with Marcia. ——————————————————————— “Years ago, Taniks tore the Vanguard apart over a mere bounty. Andal Brask was murdered in cold blood, and the Hunter Vanguard was left without a leader. Taniks would ultimately die for this on the orders of Cayde-6. But the scars he left among all Guardians would never fully heal. Once again, the Pyramid takes advantage of our collective pain. We will not succumb.” Fireteam Eklipsys made their way through the Temple of Crota in search of the Taniks Nightmare, Marcia being uncharacteristically silent with a determined and rage-filled look upon her face. “I don’t like that look.” Rae muttered to Adam, “It kinda scares me.” “Believe it or not, I’ve seen that look before.” Adam replied, “Just on someone else.” “Who?” “A certain someone who was also out to avenge a Hunter Vanguard.” Rae’s eyes widened slightly as she glanced at Marcia once more. Did she really look like that? “There were moments I was afraid you were going to go on a full-blown rampage.” Adam continued, “I think the only thing that prevented you from doing so was the promise you made to Ikora and Zavala that you’d come back alive, and you losing yourself would put that promise in danger.” “I’m…sorry if I scared you.” Rae apologised. “You? Scare me?” Adam chuckled, “Don’t have to worry about that. Don’t forget who was the one responsible for that Servitor Rodeo back in the Cosmodrome with Sepiks Prime.” “I still haven’t forgiven you for that.” “Worth it.” “There’s the Nightmare of Taniks.” Ghost called out as Fireteam Eklipsys entered a room in the Temple of Crota where the familiar red mist of a Nightmare was seen across the way, “Let’s take it-” Ghost was cut off as Marcia went charging past the Guardians, her teeth clenched with rage in her eyes. She threw a smoke bomb in front of her, vanishing as she passed through and dipped between the oncoming Nightmare Shanks as she got to the Taniks Nightmare. “You’re mine!!” she growled as she reappeared in front of him, wielding a sword and lunging for the Nightmare. “Is she nuts?!” Rae exclaimed as she whipped out her auto-rifle and began shooting at the Nightmare Shanks. “Considering she spend most of her time with Drifter?” Blaze began as she followed suit with her sidearm, “More than likely!” “Focus on the Shanks first.” Adam called out, “If she wants to take on Taniks solo, let her.” As Marcia was locked in combat with the Taniks Nightmare, Rae glided into the air and lobbed a Solar Grenade into a group of Nightmare Shanks before landing on a ledge and finished them off with her sniper rifle. Blaze dashed past Rae and threw an Incendiary Blade at a Vandal, catching it on fire and causing it to angrily charge towards her. *BOOM!* The Vandal exploded as it ran straight into the line of one of Blaze’s trip-mine grenades. “Trip-mines.” Blaze smirked, “I’m really starting to see why the Eliksni like these so much!” “Watch your six!” Blaze turned around just in time to see Adam shoulder charge into a Dreg before casting Sentinel Shield and tossing it into a small group of Shanks, taking them out. “Thanks pal!” Blaze grinned as she took out her grenade launcher and lobbed a few grenades at the remaining Vandals. Meanwhile, Marcia continued to take on the Taniks Nightmare, skilfully switching between her sword and her handcannon, Trust. She had Taniks on the ropes until he swung at her, knocking the sword out of her hands. As she went for her handcannon, he swung at her again, using his scorch cannon, and hit her in the side, causing her to fall off the ledge they were standing on but was able to grab onto the ledge just in time. Marcia went to pull herself up but was met with the barrel of a scorch cannon aimed right at her. Marcia squeezed her eyes shut and she braced for the incoming pain. *SHINK!* Marcia opened her eyes in time to see the scorch cannon go tumbling past her into the pit before looking up to see the blade of her sword protruding out of the Nightmare’s torso. She watched as the Nightmare faded away to reveal an out-of-breath Rae holding the hilt of the sword. Rae quickly dropped the sword to the ground and rushed to the ledge, helping Marcia back up. “Thanks.” Marcia breathed. “Hey…” Rae sighed, relief in her voice, “We’re even now, at least.” “True, true…” Marcia exhaled heavily, “Yeah…in hindsight, maybe taking on the Nightmare of a 12-foot Captain armed with a scorch cannon…wasn’t a good idea.” “Rage makes you do crazy things.” Blaze spoke as she walked up to the two, “Trust me, I know. I burned the face off a Scorn Baron because of it and it wasn’t pretty either.” “Well…” Marcia glanced at where Nightmare Taniks once stood, “At least I got to avenge Andal in some way…” “On the bright side,” Rae began, “The last Nightmare shouldn’t be too difficult to deal with! Right, Ghost?” “About that…” Ghost began, “Our next destination…is the Hellmouth.” The tired and fed-up groans of four Guardians was heard all the way in the Tangled Shore. To Be Continued…
#Changing our Destiny#rae drakyx#adam bergfalk#blaze kiria#fireteam paralight#marcia wyverk#fireteam eklipsys#Eris Morn#destiny eris morn#ghost#destiny ghost#eliksni#fallen#destiny fallen#destiny 2#destiny shadowkeep
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